Friday, 14 September 2012

What is Julius Malema up to now?

First it was the anti-Mbeki campaign now it’s the anti-Zuma campaign. The anti-Mbeki campaign against our former president Thabo Mbeki was successful the question is will the anti Zuma campaign be successful too?  My advice to Malema is that he needs to accept that Jacob Zuma is the president of this country weather he likes it or not.   

on the 13 September Julius Malema was at the Lenasia Recreation Centre, south of Johannesburg  addressing the soldiers that were placed on special leave in 2009 for protesting at the union building.  What was supposed to be an addressing meeting turned into an anti-campaign against the president because he believes that the country’s confidence in its leadership needs to be rebuilt. What I want to know is that all along while he was part of the of the Africa National Congress (ANC) did he not see that the leadership needed to be rebuild and why didn’t he fix this problem because he was also part of leadership read more.

He also status that; “our Commander in Chief [Zuma] is engaged in other things such getting married every year “Here, children don’t have books, people in hospitals don’t have the necessary machines, and they don’t have roads or clean water.” We cannot blame the President for everything that is going wrong in this country because there are people who are assigned to make sure that all schools have books and all hospitals have the necessary machines that is needed it is the president’s job. I have to say that is about time someone put Julius in his place because enough is enough he want to keep on coursing trouble and he does not have respect for the president. 

All the reasons that Malema has provided; it is quite clear that he is doing this anti-campaign against the president because he wants to remove the president even though he claims that he is not planning to remove any government undemocratically. Yes, we don’t love this leadership... we want to remove it democratically,”


  1. Malema shows us everyday that he cares about himself he thinks that everytime he tells us what the president does not do will reinstate him back i hope not because he does not care about other but himself look at when he addressed the lonim mine worker he did not talk about the situation but he talked about what the President not doing his duties yes i agree ewith him that the president not deliver but he is not better,he does not deserve to be a leadership in our country

    1. I agree with you he is taking advantage of situations like this to fight against the president.

  2. Now this is clear Malema want Zuma out of the presidency,he is doing whatever it takes to put him down. Lets wait for the next votes to see if is a success or not.

    1. I agree with you but we as the nation should stand up and do something that will show him that the ANC does not revolve around him.

  3. Whatever he is up to, is something very big but I hope whatever he is planning back fires on him.

  4. Malema's hit-backs are negative and I think he succeeds because the media follows him or reports about him. He is making news headlines with his behaviour and hopes that the public will follow in his path. Yes, he just needs to accept that he is axed out of the leadership of the ANC Youth League.

    1. I agree with you he is doing all of this just to get the medias attention.
