This are some of the taxi's that are operating with fake certificate. |
Traffic officers have discovered a building in down town Johannesburg that makes fake certificates that taxis need in order for them to be able to operate on the road read more. This building was discovered by a traffic officer who pretended to be a taxi owner who wants to buy the fake certificate. We all know that down town is famous for its various scandals, but who could have thought of a scandal like this.
What I want to know is that do these taxi owners realize how many lives they are putting in danger just because they greed and do not want to pay for the original documents. I having been always asking myself that why if the is an accident that involves a taxi most of time the taxi driver is nowhere to be found, you will never find the driver at the scene. So I guess is it because they are using fake documents?
From a communicating point of view I that the department of transport is not doing their job because if they were doing their jobs they would have recognized that there is a certain number of taxis that are travelling on the road and the is a certain of taxis that are not paying for their certificate and would have made a research.